
Thursday, September 12, 2024

Clouds and Wind

My cell phone's digital images seldom report the images that my eyes see ~ the elegant grandeur of clouds that fling their grey capes over the city; collaring the blue sky to 

choke off the sunlight. But they don’t have a mirror in the water today because their windy cousin has stirred the lake so images are choppy with a few white fringes. 

Neither one listening to the other in this 

tug of war between the two giants of the 

world, no one winning today's contest. 

The clouds will just keep moving on and 

the wind will either keep blowing its own

horn or fade away in the night.

“The seasons do not push one another; neither do clouds race 

the wind across the sky, All things happen in their own good time.”

~ Dan Millman, author

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