
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

On a Late Afternoon Outing

Kiwanis Waterfall Park area

When I returned to Regina in July 2020 during the COVID pandemic, one of the first places I turned to was the Regina Newcomers Club. My first meetings and group activities were over Zoom, except for the walking group. That we were still able to do in Wascana Park by keeping our distance from each other but walking as a group. The membership is still relatively low, but is recovering with the hard work of board members and the general membership. 

This evening we celebrated the group’s 60 year presence in Regina. The weather was cloudy, windy and threatened rain, but that did not stop us. We brought our folding chairs to the Kiwanis Waterfall Park for fellowship, hamburgers, salads and cake. A small group of us played a round of Bocce Ball with no rules. In general we visited, sharing family news, travels and plan for the winter. The wind did slow down, the clouds thinned, the sun escaped the clouds as it set. When the food came out, so did the wasps. It turned out to be a lovely evening and I’m glad that I joined this group of women. 

“I love meeting new people.”

~ Anne Burrell, chef

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