
Monday, September 9, 2024

From my Balcony

Listening to the hum of air conditioners on a hot summer 

night challenges me to go for a walk. But not in the city. 

On a distant prairie road, when the dust of tractors 

and grain trucks has settled, leaving behind the call of 

a night owl and the vanishing 

whistle of a steam engine pulling 

brightly lit passenger cars. As dusk softens 

day into night, billions of stars shower 

this quiet world, bowing to a brilliant moon. 

In truth, I may not have been allowed to go 

walking on my own at night, so I cherish 

this fragment of imagined memory.

“She knew with suddenness and ease that this moment 

would be with her always, within hand’s reach of memory.”

~ Stephen King, Carrie

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