
Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Summer Camp Kids

There were at least twenty of them. Twenty children - five or six years old - with young women leading at the front and shepherding at the back. I was already comfortably sitting on the bus towards the front so was privileged to see this great troop of kids pouring onto and through a bus already half full. They were chattering and chattering, while paying attention in a kid sort of way to their guides. Colourful backpacks, bright yellow vests (or were they orange), this summer camp group made their way to the back of the bus. Oops! Available seats were scattered and so not enough for order to be maintained. The kindness of strangers came to the fore. Settled bus riders vacated their seats for these happy kids - shifting around to support the leaders and maintain a semblance of order on the bus.

“Three things in human life are important; the first is to be kind, 
the second is to be kind, and the third is to be kind.”
~ Henry James

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