
Thursday, July 9, 2020

Chapter One, Episode 107 - Sarah's Relief - Situationally Theirs

Review, Revision, Edit and Update
Wow! I could have added a comma here, or taken out a word there for this episode, but there didn't seem any real reason. It would only have been busy work. Little ghostly Sarah has indeed been left to her own devices!

I did provide the actual date for my **Author's note. My writing life continues and seems to have found more light and space for creativity.

Sarah's Relief

Sarah wasn’t nervous or angry. She was really quite excited - as excited as a ghost, hundreds of year old, could be. The living had come through her house since she had been born a child ages ago - the child of a pioneering family - she had loved her life. It wasn’t an easy life. Especially for her mother who had been born into high society. Much higher than this isolated, but beautiful, land her father brought them to. But her father built this home, grand by pioneer standards, for her mother. He made sure of linens and china and all the fine things her mother had known. He hung the swing on the ancient redwood, for it was ancient even when their little family began their journey. Sarah would gather wildflowers and twine them into the thick cables of her swing. They were her favourite places - the great meadow with wildflowers and the swing that her father made for her.

When the child Sarah passed from the living to her ghostly form, her mother and father cried unconsolably. Sarah could not leave them. In their white-haired years, only one year apart, her mother and father became stars in the sky when it was their time. But Sarah stayed with her home, with the wildflowers and with her swing. As each Beaufort family was born, lived and died the wildflowers were cultivated away, replaced by her father’s apple orchard that lived on as Sarah did. 

All of them were all going away, except for the woman they called Cook. Sarah breathed a soft ghostly sigh of relief. She would have her home and her swing to herself if only for a short time.

Sarah had been listening.

“We’re all ghosts. We all carry, inside us, people who came before us.”
~ Liam Callanan, The Cloud Atlas

**Authors note from July 09, 2020: beginning Friday, July 10, 2020 and for the next several days, my blog posts will be quite short and/or sporadic. I am making an exciting life change that requires my close attention and energy. My ability to write and post my blog will be temporarily impacted. Please bear with me.

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