
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Preparing a Walk to Work

‘It’s all about Plan B.’

That’s what my fridge magnet says. Walking to work, seemed a good idea this morning. Cool, a bit cloudy but not raining ~ yet. A short cut across the park? How long would it take me? Without needed preparation, I felt pressured and anxious ~
and started to worry right away. All the what if’s and maybe’s popped up like dandelions in spring

But I really wanted to walk to work to this interesting and much closer work site. Then a little voice in my head sounded, and I do mean little ~ as in a five year old wanting a certain type of sugared cereal - ‘right now!
Deep breath ~ blow all the worry out and do your morning yoga.
Just take the car - ‘!’ (No tears though, just a bit whiney)

OK ~ so prepare to walk ~ but do plan well because you have to carry your lunch. (This imaginary five year old always uses my muscles to do the heavy lifting)

So we (the five year old and I) did go for a short walk but only down the sidewalk and through a back lane with a back pack filled with my very well packed lunch, a soft cover book and an umbrella at the ready. Too heavy! That test run told me ‘Not to-day, sweetie ~ but let's plan and make a picnic lunch for a day off. We'll take the walk to see how far we can go with a lighter back pack!’
(Five year old: ‘ok.’ big sigh)

In the car, a few minutes later……..I am so glad I didn’t try to walk! It is a bit farther than I thought and a good stretch is on cement sidewalks at an incline. My legs and lungs are still flatlanders. Planning more time for even mildly steep inclines is always necessary.

So, the five year old didn’t win today ~ but I did promise a picnic lunch soon!

“Before beginning, plan carefully.”
~ Marcus Tullius Cicero

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