
Friday, December 12, 2014

In Memory of Beth Hersberger (October 22, 1921 - December 04, 2014)

When grief wells up, washing over spirit,
joys and interests are pushed and tumbled aside.
Polished pebbles of memory 
softly rattle in my brain
as waves recede and quiet once more,
the undertow settled with a smile ~
memories of all things neat and tidy
float through the air on a sunbeam.

When grief comes together, rippling through family,
daily routines are set aside for a special gathering ~
Shared moments of memory
rise up as we commune together,
the laughter and playing of little children
bubbles up through the four generations brought together,
filling the air with life and love.

“Better keep yourself clean and bright. You are the 
window through which you must see the world.”
~ George Bernard Shaw

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