
Friday, July 31, 2015

Book Review - Love Walked In by Marisa De Los Santos

Cornelia Brown manages a small trendy coffee shop in Philadelphia. A young woman, she is full of dreams and cherishes vintage decor and their storied past. Denying that she is a movie buff, Cornelia sprinkles her story with reference to many movies and movie stars from the past.

Clare Hobbs, 11 years old, is abandoned by Grace, her beautiful mother. She is estranged from Martin, her father and organizes her life so she can manage to survive without either of them. 

Along the way Teo, Cornelia's brother-in-law, enters and seems almost out of place, but takes up his place in the narrative for this unlikely cast of characters.

This is not a usual love story, although you may have guessed some of it. Where and when did love walk in? Charming, and very heartfelt, Marisa de los Santos exposes the entanglements that love brings when belief in people vanishes, or grows, or maybe is never there. There was a time when I could cry at the drop of a hat in stories like this, but that seemed to have been long over. This story challenged such dry eyed reading.

“Even if someone wasn’t perfect or even especially good, 
you couldn’t dismiss the love they felt. Love was 
always love; it had a rightness all it’s own, even if 
the person feeling the love was full of wrongness.”
~ Marisa de los Santos,  Love Walked In

Title:  Love Walked In
Author:  Marisa de los Santos
Publisher: Plume - Penguin Group
Publication Date: 2006
Format:  Soft Cover
ISBN: 0-525-94917 (hc.)
ISBN: 978-0-452-28789-1 (pbk.)
Type:  Fiction

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