
Sunday, May 26, 2013


Bills are paid - easily for a child, 
not necessarily an easy thing for parents.
Uninterrupted education ~ 
the norm for most.
Epilepsy  interrupts.

Education leads to gainful employment.
Uninterrupted employment ~ 
money in the bank,
a little, a lot, somewhere in the middle.
Epilepsy interrupts.

Epilepsy has no schedule
Infant to toddler,
youngster to adolescence,
through adulthood ~ onward and upward.

When does it start?
Where along the continuum?
Does money to pay bills arrive without interruption?

“The Interruption of Everything”
~ Terry McMillan

1 comment:

Janet said...

Very poignant, Sue! thanks for posting this reminder of ways that illness interrupts life, with all that implies.