Review, Revision, Edit and Update
Romantic fun. These are the two words that came to me when I finished this morning's review. I enjoyed writing the first draft, and today I enjoyed the revision. It was more development than revision. Some punctuation needed my attention, otherwise I merely added improved descriptors in the later paragraphs of this little bit of romantic fun.
The Honeymooners
They walked along the beach at sunset. The tide was out, the water glassy, painted in light touches of peach and blue. Holding hands, they walked barefoot on the wet sand, cool after the heat of the day. “Do you suppose that this is what James and Martha are doing?”
Melanie frowned and then smiled up at Giles. “Giles, this is our honeymoon. A little late, but it’s ours. Leave James and Martha to their honeymoon. Besides, you don’t even know where they went.”
Giles turned and took Melanie in his arms. “You’re right, sweetie.” With both hands he brushed her hair loose from its normal restraints, her face beautiful and soft in the evening light. Holding her face with both hands, he kissed her. For moment, they held each other. Melanie stepped back. “Giles, do you suppose mom and dad are doing all right with the children? They’s not used to having children around this long.”
Giles laughed. “Who was it that just said that this is our honeymoon? Leave your mom and dad to their grandchildren. They are fine. Your mom is probably showing two of them how to make pizza, your dad has the other two out in the garage showing them how to build something.” Arms around each other they continued their walk on the beach.
“Watch.” Giles suddenly stopped. He pushed both feet down into the sand, stepped back and watched his footprints fill with ocean water. “Now you do it.” Melanie took Giles' hand to steady herself and jumped forward, pushing her feet into the sand right beside the footprints Giles had made. She stepped back. Her footprints filled with water. Suddenly distracted, she pointed just a few inches ahead. “Oh look! There are beautiful white shells. Giles what are you doing?” While Melanie was looking at the shells, Giles had picked up a long strand of seaweed and draped it around his shoulders. It dripped water all over him. He took one end in one hand and with the other he scooped Melanie toward him. “Giles! You’re getting me all wet!” Laughing and trying to pull away, Melanie stumbled backwards and sat in the wet sand. Picking up a sodden handful, she flung it at Giles. Soon they were both rolling in the gritty damp. When the rolling stopped, Melanie was on her back, Giles bending over her. Coyly, Melanie pouted “I’m soaking wet and covered in sand, Giles. I think I need a shower.” Giles smiled. “I’m feeling a little wet and uncomfortable myself. Last one to the shower has to make sure there’s enough towels.” They both scrambled to their feet, grabbed their shoes and hopped about trying to put them on. Any beach, strewn with broken seashells and especially at twilight could be dangerous on unprotected feet. Still laughing, they raced to their little cabin. Within minutes, windows were ablaze with lights, smoke furled from the chimney. From the little cabin, there were bubbles of quiet laughter and the strains of soft jazz. It wasn’t long before the music faded, and the cabin was silent. The lights went out and all that could be heard were the night birds.
“Our honeymoon will shine our life long:
its beams will only fade over your grave or mine.”
~ Charlotte Bronte