Here’s a couple of real fun questions…..
Where would you like to go when you die?
What is your perfect afterlife?
I’m not big on thinking about death.
Especially my own.
At 69 - and some would say early in year seventy -
thoughts of death are just a bit too close for comfort.
Ah, but that second question -
What is my perfect afterlife?
It is an afterlife of great beauty and enchanting stories
- and no money - no greed - no fighting
An afterlife full of colour, music and dancing
balanced with deep silence and even deeper peace
And a lot of discussion of
Philosophy, theology and ethics
Maybe with Socrates and Plato,
Aristotle and Hippocrates
All of us sitting around a granite fountain in our fine woven togas
Blue sky, great white mountains of clouds and brilliant sunshine
Flowers, trees and whatever landscape that fit the discussion.
And dogs - big dogs, sleek and beautiful - just because they are fun
And glorious, handsome cats - if they deign to share their afterlife with me.
Family and friends?
Each of us have our own earthly lives - and in this muse
We each have our own afterlife
With visits of love and joy coming with merely a beckoning thought
So if there is an afterlife ~
and I won’t know if there is one
‘til I trip over the fine line between life and death ~
I can dream of any kind of perfection that I choose.
“There is a place called ‘heaven’
where the good here unfinished is completed;
and where the stories unwritten, and the hopes unfulfilled,
are continued. We may laugh together yet.”
~ J.R.R.Tolkein