Then it was off to another Antique sale - this time to Where On Earth Did You Get That. This Antique Mall held not just the small items we had seen previously, but furniture. Oak bedsteads, old trunks, rocking chairs and china cabinets all from another era and time. Patsy Cline serenading us from vinyl records being played with old radios arrayed on shelves above and around. Bookshelves filled with all manner of old books. One set of the Hardy Boys mystery books - was it complete? I dared not check to be certain. No purchases made there.
More importantly, this browsing through nostalgia seemed to balance and ground me into past, present and into myself and many family memories. And yet, the day was not done. We went for High Tea at the Hayloft Restaurant in Airedrie, a popular local restaurant. Check out their menu at www.hayloft8th.com . Then home to the farm for naps and an evening of visiting.
“For it is up to you and me to take solace in nostalgia’s arms
and our ability to create the everlasting from fleeting moments.”
~ Sanober Khan, A touch, a tear, a tempest