
Saturday, December 7, 2019


Traditions are for awhile….
reconnecting each other. Setting aside our differences, we smile and share hugs with those we love and care about. 

Traditions are golden remnants of the past, shaped through years and generations, to become intricate tapestries in the present. 

Traditions bring deliciousness to 
the table from our growing up homes, 
aromas and laughter that 
mingle together in the air. 

Traditions are for each of us 
to practice as we see fit in our lives,
to create new ones with changing times.

Traditions, ever evolving, become
links in the delicate chains we forge ~ 
connections from misty pasts ~ into today  
and planned for whatever tomorrow may bring.

“So strong is tradition that later generations 
will dream of what they have never seen.”
~ G.K.Chesterton

Friday, December 6, 2019

Brown Stockings and Kindness

Not really a St. Nicholas or a Santa Claus!
St. Nicholas, another tradition….or should I say St. Nicholas feast day. A tradition born of a story that cannot be absolutely verified as it whispers to us from the distant past. (And I located it at <>)  They say that any good story begins with a lie, however I’m not fond of that phrase. Possibly meant ironically, a lie is told with the intent to deceive, and not always kindly. If deception is used to create suspense, ask a question that will be answered later on in the story, that I can accept. 

I like the St. Nicholas story that I read this morning, whether it started with a lie or not. It finally explained to me why it was so important to hang those brown cotton stockings by our chimney each Christmas when I was a kid ~ also in a distant past! Curiously, there had never seemed any spiritual basis or connection in any way with the Sunday school Christmas stories. There were no stockings hung in the manger, were there? But this story does in fact have a basis in a spiritual practice. One that is simple and, unfortunately often, gets lost in our busy day to day lives. Kindness is that spiritual practice. I am fairly certain that some hear the word ‘spiritual’ and recoil from it as though burned so I must be judicious with it’s use. Kindness is a good practice in any human relations. 

This story I read on a website this morning about the tradition of St. Nicholas. I’ve abbreviated much of it, but it offers the nugget of a story about impoverishment and kindness. 

“There once was a man who had three daughters…..One night Nicholas secretly dropped a bag of gold down the chimney and into the house…..The bag fell into a stocking that had been drying by the fire….”

The tradition of stockings by the fire spread from there. A charitable, kind act for that one impoverished family has endured, albeit with a bit too much glitz and not enough magic, for centuries. Coincidentally, this short essay was already designated before I was aware that December 6 ~ today ~ is St. Nicholas feast day. Nicholas, because of his kindness to children, and oddly to sailors, was sainted as the patron saint of children and sailors. 

“You can always give something, even if it is only kindness.”
~ Anne Frank

This short essay had certain self imposed requirements:
1. Christmas themed
2. First line to start with 'St. Nicholas, another tradition: this line I set for myself regarding the blog post.
3. Another line to be included: 'Every good story starts with a lie...' This line is the group assigned line for this month's writer's group held the first Friday of every month.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Magical Life

"Origins" - (completely edible)
First prize 2019 Gingerbread Showcase
for Habitat Humanity
Inspiration is caught up in 
the branches of Christmas trees,
the music of carols and song,
snowmen ~ or sandcastles.

Inspiration comes from 
a child’s imagination,
an adolescent’s hopes and dreams,
an adult's memories  ~ loosed from pragmatism.

We all have decorated our worlds
whether with tinsel and sleighbells, re-birthed old ~ even ancient ~ toys put away as childish, or the varied and various trappings of our lived-in lives.

Inspiration may be caught up 
in all those things but once we each put
  a bauble on a tree
    draw a picture of the life we’d like
      or position that Christmas tree just so
our ideas and desires take on 
a magical life of their own
birthed from our choices.

To live within those choices is 
  the true inspiration and an exciting challenge.
    With tending and care we will find a way 
      to see inspiration as a twinkle not an entire light show.

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting 
for our senses to grow sharper.”
~ W.B.Yeats

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Gilded Edges

Reality is often given a bad reputation. With good reason ~ especially at this time of the year. The tragedies and traumas that somehow often accompany this time of year are far too harsh. In a season that is filled with glitter and joy, the glitter can feel too brittle and artificial. The joy too inauthentic and worn like a mask. Yet, most of us continue to find our own joys at this time of year, if we can. I can only speak for myself. I can count on the fingers of one hand, the serious tragedies that have occurred at this time of year for me. Each one spaced, almost politely, apart by months or years. However, no less damaging to my heart. Each one creating one more scar. Most of them shared within family or friends. Of course, those that we have lost throughout the year bring their own bitterness to this potentially joyous time. An empty chair at a table, the laughter not heard, the hugs not felt. 

A most unpleasant, to me, phrase is ‘Get in the spirit of the season!’ When my spirit is already at the bottom? To smile is like dragging my face muscles through thick mud. All that being said, I am happy at Christmas time ~ now. Reaching back in to my past, before sadness and grief invaded my life, I found little things. Pretty, sparkly decorations and childhood laughter. Finding the orange at the bottom of my stocking. Getting lost in a Nancy Drew Mystery story. And the music. Oh, the music of the season. As I write this James Taylor is tinkling the ivories just for me. Too bad he’s not here in person, but his beautiful talent gentles my soul. 

Now, I can honour all those that have gone before ~ whether in mid summer or at Christmas time. My all too tight grip on grief has loosened. Never completely let go. A tinge of sadness will always remain, but with gilded edges. A blessing that each one has shared moments in my life, even if only for short times. With each new and extended family member, that person ~ those people ~ are still here in my heart.

“Reality is a sliding door.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Hanukkah and Christmas
in history and in belief ~
two spiritual pauses overlap
as year’s end draws nigh ~
an ease for family and friends.

To forget to breathe
in the pall of grief
   in a haze of shopping
 dims the candle lights
    turns up brittle noise

To take time to breathe
  gentles the pall of grief
    clears away the haze
   rests in the glow of candles
     softens into melodies of 
Hanukkah and Christmas.

“There are no clear borders,
Only merging invisible to the sight.”
~ Dejan Stojanovic, Circling 1978 -1987

Monday, December 2, 2019


Coming together, in personal archaeology, bits and pieces of my heart and soul unearthed from ancient boxes and dusty corners are bound together by journaled writings, music and voice on old cassette tapes, 
early attempts in watercolour,
crocheted toques and scarfs, 
costume jewelry from gifts and previous homes, novels and non-fiction, story books and books about story, beautiful wall calendars with hopeful phrases, paper photographs glossy and shining ~ generations past and present.

Welcomed to my time travel is a precious new generation 
smiling and peeking at me from electronic desktops.
Bringing it all together, I see myself with new eyes
greeting retirement at Christmas with joy.

“Shh! Listen! Someone’s coming! I think - I think it might be us!”
~ J.K.Rowling, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Traditional Seasons - CHRISTMAS: Theme for December 2019

Over past Christmas seasons, I’ve written muses, stories and essays, however I’ve never done an actual Christmas Theme. I was raised in the United Church of Canada and those wonderful traditions were and have been mainstays in my life. The traditional stories and parables, the music and carols of this season are welcome every year. (In December... Christmas music in the malls any earlier only speaks to me of marketing. We get marketed enough every day of every year. But that’s another topic.)

Christmas Theme for December 2019

Coming together…….
Hanukkah and Christmas…….
Reality is often……
Inspiration is caught up……
St. Nicholas, another tradition…..
Traditions are for……
Magic and music…… 
Arts and crafts……
Solstice in winter……..

“Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.”
~ Gustav Mahler