The Interview
“Mastering moments in step with your mission statement for this position, ma’am? That sounds like a challenging, if not daunting task.” Stanley, nervously straightening his tie, was intrigued. He had already dubbed his prospective employer ‘Miss Thin Lips”. Not very respectful, but being interviewed by one so young and lovely called for a bit of dampening.
“Your resumé suggests that you are definitely up for the sort of task we need in this company.” This was Melanie’s first interview without her own supervisor over her shoulder. Nervously, she smoothed the papers on her desk and cleared her throat.
Stanley sat forward in his chair and pushed forward. “Can you tell me what direction your organization wishes to take in regards to this position?”
“With respect, I believe I am the one asking the questions, sir.” Melanie pushed her glasses firmly on the bridge of her nose, just a little intimidated by this older man. He was rather good looking, in an older man sort of way.
“I’m not that young any more, as you can see by the extent of my resumé. If I’m not mistaken, as this interview is winding up, you will be asking me if I have any questions for you.” Stanley took a deep breath and tried to find the easy confidence that had trademarked his career.
“Well yes, that is on my list of items, but I haven’t reached that part of the interview yet. Could I please continue with the talking points as listed here?”
Melanie thought maybe that her interviewee was on the defensive? Stanley was not at all pleased with how this organization was run by this young woman. But he was determined to get hired, so backpedaling seemed the best course of action, even if she did seem young enough to be his granddaughter.
“I’m incredibly sorry for my blatant jumping ahead in this interview. I suppose it comes from my long years in management and sitting on the other side of the interview desk. Please, continue as you see fit.”
“Yes, you do have an impressive resumé and I am familiar with your career. Do you not feel you are over qualified for the position you’ve applied for?”
“Well, certain of my qualifications are not on my resumé. Reliability, presentability, and willingness to learn have been paramount to any career path I have taken. Because of them, I believe I am absolutely qualified for this position.”
“Hopefully your references will agree with you. Moving on. For this position you will require your own transportation. Ease of mobility for a timely manner to our several city wide job sites is needed. Will that be a problem at all?”
“Not at all. Although I don’t own a private vehicle, transportation is no problem.” (What Stanley didn’t mention was that he had recently had become co-owner of a taxi service. He didn’t think Miss Thin Lips needed to know that detail.)
Leaning forward, arms resting casually on the desktop, she continued “What shifts are you able to work? We have twelve hour or eight hour shifts for twenty four hour coverage. Because of our numerous office sites, that sort of coverage allows this department flexibility between sites.”
“My previous jobs have all included shifting my hours from time to time. I have developed a routine to manage that part of my life. I will state that night shifts are not my preference, but I am not averse to them.” Stanley felt the ember of his old confidence warm his heart. He had dared to set himself up for this job interview. He had grown very tired of the last forty years of office politics, yet here he was back in an office building not unlike the one he had left over a year ago.
Melanie’s voice broke into his reverie. “And do you have any other questions for me?”
“Is this position part-time or full-time? Your advertisement suggested that it may be one or the other.”
“At present, this position is only part-time which can work up to full-time pending the results of the probationary period of three months.”
“Is there an orientation period to each of the buildings? I need to know where specific offices are, work spaces, and of course supplies ~ any other specifics that go along with the position.”
“Yes, there will be a brief orientation to cover all the necessary details. I will go over your references as soon as we’re done here. Will you be able to start today?”
“Yes I can as a matter of fact!” That was a surprise. He hadn’t see that one coming but was more that ready to get started in this new direction.
Excellent. Your floor supervisor is waiting for you in the coffee shop on the main floor. He will start your orientation today and give you your hours. Oh, and one other thing ~ he will present you with your own personal mop and bucket.”
“We are always the same age inside.”
~ Gertrude Stein