When I Get Scared
“Adventurous. Adventuring. What do you know about adventuring? I know you’re getting ready to leave high school and go into the wide world of adulthood. University. Campus life. It all sounds so very exciting. I do remember when I made that step. I didn’t know what would happen and I didn’t care. I just knew I wanted to get gone from my bedroom, my tiny town, and my sheltered life in a home I knew and loved. I just didn’t know how much I loved it. And I didn’t know all the things I would learn, people I’d meet, places I’d go………”
“Oh come on. It’s just exciting! Are you scared I’ll forget my home and friends back here? ‘Cause I won’t. I’ll phone home every day, I’ll come home every weekend…..well maybe not every weekend….but often. I want to go all the places and meet all the new people and learn what all the exciting things are! I want to create a new life from my old life. Oh, get that look off your face, mom. I don’t mean this life has been bad or awful.”
“I know honey. I’m just afraid that this life hasn’t given you enough.”
“Enough what, mom?”
“Enough strength, enough belief in yourself, ….oh, just enough. I don’t know. I just don’t know.”
“Well, mom, you and dad have always told me that I am enough. From when I was learning how to walk. I don’t remember that….obviously…..but you let me laugh, and fall and get up again. Then it was school and those hateful ‘popular’ girls and you told me I was enough without them. Do you want me to go on? I love you and dad s-o-o-o much. Just quit worrying ‘cause I know who to call when I get scared of the adventure.”
“Facetime? Skype? Texting? - or just an ordinary phone call. Your dad and I just want to be sure you’ll be ok - just like your grandma and grandpa when we were doing this scary, exciting adventuring."
“You are never strong enough that you don’t need help.”
~ Cesar Chavez