A GODly image?
I’ve become best friends with my mop?
Disliking housework
since knee-high to a grasshopper!
Avoiding housework,
willing to pay the cost of being chastised.
But one special character in this
friendly, funny movie had an interesting impact.
Not the star ~ but the co-star
made in God’s image
both on earth and in the movie.
His portrayal
real and right now.
With mop in hand,
he just cleaned the floor and made things bright.
Easy and slow.
Just being the miracle
with a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his brow.
If that’s all housework is ~
I can do that!
p.s. The movie? ~
Bruce Almighty with Jim Carrey and Morgan Freeman
p.s. The movie? ~
Bruce Almighty with Jim Carrey and Morgan Freeman
Confession time (August 2012):
Doing the dishes I am good at.
Keeping things tidy - not too bad
Dusting and mopping - well, I still need a bit of work!
“Housework is work directly opposed to
the possibility of human self-actualization.”
~ Ann Oakley