Thunderous applause, whistles and stamping of feet reverberated throughout Symphony Hall, the audience standing up as one even before the last notes had even been played. It definitely wasn’t the sort of music I preferred. A popular punk band named Steam Roller was in town and I was in the middle of it all. I had been given tickets to a ‘Musical Event' by a dear friend. Assuming that he knew my musical tastes I just accepted them. All he told me was the date, time and place. There were no red flags at all.
That evening, I dressed casually, and as my mother would say, I looked ‘dressy’. It was a warm summer evening so a stroll to the Symphony Hall was welcomed as I only lived a few blocks away. Approaching, I saw a few people gathering at the box office doors, others crossing at the lights to join them and more coming around the corner. There were a few gray heads to be seen, but others certainly didn’t look like the usual symphony crowd. Colourful hair do’s - lime green seemed a favourite - , long hair, short hair and ‘dread-locks’ (I think that’s what they’re called). Scanning the unusual crowd, there seemed to be an abundance of black t-shirts with silver, gold and red decals. I couldn’t make out what they were. As I got closer, I could see what might be faces and words. At first I had thought they were family members attending the performance, but when the numbers kept swelling, that idea was quite preposterous. A large black trailer was parked in front of the building showing enlarged faces, grinning at the world. I supposed it was a band of some kind.
Curious, I joined the throng and was about to pull my tickets out to inspect them when I heard my name being called. "Aunt Sophie! Aunt Sophie! I’m over here!” Looking around I saw my nephew, Anthony, waving and pushing through the lineup. He was sporting a fairly ordinary buzz-cut, but was wearing a t-shirt with the same picture that was on the black trailer. Oh my goodness. What have I gotten myself into - and how!?
“Phew. I’m out of breath. Aunt Sophie, I was afraid I’d miss you. I just got in today and have been trying to contact you. Do you still have two tickets? Is anyone else joining you? Dad said he had given you two tickets.”
“Your dad? He didn’t give them to me. It was his neighbour that I go to symphony performances with sometimes. If this was your dad’s idea of a joke, he’s in for a very big surprise. Anthony, would you accompany your aunt to this ‘symphony’? And can you get me one of those t-shirts?”
“Not a problem. I would be honoured - but Aunt Sophie, do you know who you’re here to see?” His eyes were twinkling and he was barely able to keep from laughing. At the same time, he did sound concerned.
As Anthony was talking, I took the pins out of my hair, did a quick braid to the side and fastened it with the scrunchy that I kept in my purse. I pulled out my tickets and saw ‘Steam Roller - A Punk Band like no other! Fire and Brimstone!!’ Anthony was back with a t-shirt for me - “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“You can bet on it, Anthony. That brother of mine isn’t going to get any satisfaction from his little joke.”
The sweetish aroma of marijuana was heavy in the air. Everyone was butting out before being allowed into the Symphony Hall. Who knows what may have been in pockets and purses. Even so I was determined to see the evening through and enjoy it. I was pleasantly surprised. Yes, it was incredibly loud music that I do not listen to and don’t plan to ever again. Once I got used to the light show and focussed on the band members, I could appreciate their musicality, professionalism and energy. They respected and interacted with their audience. I stood, cheered and clapped throughout the show, and especially as it drew to a close. I was truly one of the audience. As we were leaving the theatre, Anthony pulled me aside.
“Aunt Sophie, I’ve got us back stage passes. I know one of the guys. Do you want to?”
“Sure thing, I would love to meet them! Oh boy, my practical joking brother really misjudged this one. I guess I should be grateful to him for giving me this experience. Come on Anthony, lets go.”
“Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation.”
~ Michael Jordan