High tea at the Empress
Eight senior ladies in Monday morning finery, in high ceiling decor reminiscent of times past.
Tuxedoed piano player tinkled a musical underscore for mid morning tea and dainties. Tea (and coffee) poured from silver pots into delicate china cups.
Fresh strawberries and whipped cream began the parade of dainties.
Three tiered plates were presented for our enjoyment by the efficient and pleasant waiter.
The plate at the base had a variety of finger sandwiches - alas only a bit of parsley left.
And the middle plate - delicious scones, strawberry jelly and whipped butter.
Finally crowning the top, our dessert dainties ~ the chocolate mousse in chocolate cups the very best.
Conversation escaped between bites about politics, economics and well…..George Clooney (a discussion ensued about whether George was ‘aging well’! Aging!? He’s only in his fifties!)
A wander through the grand old Empress shops, a lovely finale to High Tea at the Empress
“Afternoon tea should be provided, fresh supplies,
with thin bread-and-butter, fancy pastries, cakes,etc.,
being brought in as other guests arrive.”
~ Isabella Beeton, Mrs.Beeton’s Book of Household Management