Writing first thing in the morning
before the opportunity for my growling of stomach to be satisfied had me take a *Google journey for the ‘without marshmallows’ part of these delicious treats.
Rice Crispies without Marshmallows
honey sweet (or maple syrup), (1/2 cup)
depth with cashew butter
(any nut butter will do, (1/2 cup)
(any nut butter will do, (1/2 cup)
crunchy with rice crisps cereal (4 cups)
spicy warmth of lovely cinnamon (1 tsp - more or less)

I could eat them all at once but one with fruit and coffee is my delicious treat while I write (fork and napkin handy) each morning.
“Everyone’s favourite breakfast dish can be prepared in a moment’s
time with just a few ingredients and minimum effort.”
~ Marcus Samuelsson