tiny yellow suns
thin weeds grasping
scant drops of water
from soil arid and dusty
under clouds dry and ashen.
“A weed is but an unloved flower.”
~ Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Writing daily about my journeys through books, movies and plays along with poetry, story, or an occasional wander into ideas, opinions or rants.
tiny yellow suns
thin weeds grasping
scant drops of water
from soil arid and dusty
under clouds dry and ashen.
“A weed is but an unloved flower.”
~ Ella Wheeler Wilcox
An orderly lineup of music
rapped onto silvery discs
Top shelf keepers ~
history of my interests in
classical, swing and jazz,
easy listening and blues,
pop, country and folk
Mmm.. I do like those rhythms.
whistling with B.B.,
humming with Dean or Bing,
singing along with Willie or Alan.
Body and soul swing and sway
Heart and mind lifted away
Mix and fusion every day
Bottom shelf ~
history yet to be heard
by my grown up self ~ still
classical, swing and jazz,
pop, easy listening and blues,
country and folk
Did I really like that?
Was the soul really my soul?
Putting aside some silver discs,
my ears open to awkward vibrations
too high toned
too jittery and jumpy
too frilly or flat.
This orderly lineup of music
quiet and resting until morning comes.
“Music…..can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable.”
~ Leonard Bernstein
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My 2016 garden in Victoria |
I miss my gardens
From my big backyard garden in Texas to my small container gardens in Victoria ~
merely seasonal supplements to sterile bright grocery store produce
but rooted, grounded in rich soil that gets under my fingernails,
swiped across my forehead
in the perspiring heat of summer ~
fresh vegetables that seldom
make it all the way to the table.
I miss my gardens!
“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature.
To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body but the soul.”
~ Alfred Austin
“How are you coming with……what was it you were doing? Something about doing something for the staff? How’s that going?” Trying to sound causal, Dez stumbled over her words. She didn’t want Em to guess she was digging for information.
“Well, I have Mr. Winston - he’s the money guy for the Estate - I have him looking into all the pensions and salaries and what can be increased. I’ve looked over the work rosters and they seem to be in order. It’s not like it was before Michael died. Staff run off their feet with our parties and dinners and overnight guests. Martha having to call in extra help at the last minute. Cook working her culinary magic for whomever I brought home. Now, everyone has settled into a pretty flexible and fair routine.” They were interrupted by the perky young waiter. “Ready to order?! Any questions?” She had her pencil and order pad out. “You go ahead Dez, I’m not quite ready but will be.”
“I’ll have the Gruyere burger, please. - and let’s see…..fries. I haven’t had a good burger and fries for a long time. Your turn, Em.”
“Yes, I’ll have a Caesar salad with prawns. Extra prawns. And ginger tea please. Dez, do you want something to drink?”
“I’ll just have this water. Coffee later.”
Miss Perky flounced off to put in their orders. “What were we talking about, Dez? Oh yes, you asked how my plans were going. Well, I’ve done what I can do, but I want it done. Mr. Winston tells me to be patient. But now Jeremy has tossed a pebble in my pond!” She took a drink of ice water, sat back and sighed, shaking her head.
“You are in a spot, Em. He only gave us a few details and really no time line. Just ‘Pack your suitcases and it’ll be a second honeymoon.’ Just ask your money guy if he can move things along, that something’s come up and you’ll need any changes sooner. By the way, do you know when Brigitte’s coming back? She could help with any loose ends if there’s an overlap in the timing issue.” Dez hadn’t heard much information that would help her make her own plans. And that would be only after she talked with Martha. She needed someone to talk with, sort out her thoughts. “Here’s our lunch, Em.” Miss Perky arrived balancing hamburger with a crispy pile of fries and the Caesar salad - extra prawns. Her precarious cargo was delivered first to Dez and then to Em. “Is there anything else I can get you?! I’ll just go and get your tea, ma’am!” She flounced off again before the sisters could say anything.
“Oh, that was so good.” Dez was eating the last of her fries. “I didn’t realize how hungry I really was.”
“Or maybe finally sitting in a restaurant being served made everything taste so good. Don’t tell Cook I said that. She’ll think we’re being ungrateful for her attentions and good food.” Em had two prawns left. She always saved one or two til last. “Brigitte. You were asking when she’s back. I’m not sure but I think it’s next week. Yes, she could be a big help. But because she’s one of the staff I’m trying to surprise, I’d have to let her in on everything……..I wonder what happened to my tea. Did it get busy in here or have we just been forgotten…..Oh, here she is.”
Miss Perky arrived with a colourful pot of tea in one hand and a tall thermos of coffee in the other. “I’m sorry it took me so long to get your tea, ma’am!” Turning to Dez she poured coffee in her waiting mug. “Now that you’re finished your lunch, I brought you coffee! Anything else, ladies?! Will that be separate bills?!” Before either sister could say anything, she flounced away.
They both laughed aloud. “She’s an interesting young lady. Right?!” Dez mimicked her.
“Dez, cut it out. Don’t make fun. But you’re right - she is an interesting young lady.” Emelina poured her tea. “What do you really think about staying out at the estate? I know Jeremy thought that’s what had to happen, but what do you think?”
“Well, I’m not sure it really is needed, but sounds like a good idea for a bit of a vacation…..sort of…….So, we really haven’t solved anything, except having a good lunch, Em.”
“But it was good to talk it all out. I’m glad you mentioned Brigitte - it might be awkward, but necessary to let her in on things. She may be glad to know that her three mentors - that’s what she calls them - are being honoured and cared for.” Emelina began gathering up her things. Dez had already stood and was looking around for their waitress. “I suppose if we stand up, we’ll get her attention.”
Miss Perky finally returned with their bills. “Take your time, ladies and have a good day!” She flounced away.
“Every solution to every problem is simple. It’s the distance
between the two where the mystery lies.”
~ Derek Landy, Skulduggery Pleasant
A blossom
A light bulb moment
something, anything
to get the words flowing
take a walk
but my supper is in the oven
so walk after I’ve eaten ~
or maybe just say please.
There was a single duck ~
grooming itself by the water
plucking through each feather
on chest and under wings.....
Canoes on the sun glimmered lake
~ laughter echoed in time
to the dip and pull of paddles.....
Ducklings swam in circles,
no longer fluffy and yellow
but stream-lined, with young brown feathers.
Thank you
“The pages are still blank, but there is
a miraculous feeling of the words being there,
written in invisible ink and clamouring to become visible.”
~ Vladimir Nabokov
It’s been like an invisible brick wall ~
all the masks and distancing
But emerging from it all
brave businesses open up
Most patrons still masked ~
on the street, masks tucked away
Like a deep breath of fresh air
the city is cautiously unmasked.
“Don’t ever take a fence down until you know why it was put up.”
~ Robert Frost
Thomas Wolfe wrote
‘You can’t go home again’
~ and yet here I am
This past year has been filled
with masks and distancing
isolating myself and Zooming
Walking on new paths around
a lake instead of by the ocean
Free reigning rabbits instead of deer, arrogant Canada geese instead of prideful peacocks
One year ago today
I turned over my apartment keys,
said good bye to friends new and old
to return to my prairie home to
renew, rebuild relationships with
precious family and dear friends.
“There is a kind of magicness about going far away
and then coming back all changed.”
~ Kate Douglas Wiggin, New Chronicles of Rebecca