A gentle splash turned my head.
Gently, smoothly swimming into the middle,
they turned and began a return trip.
Larry had told me of a pair of geese with three goslings,
so I was not surprised to see them,
only surprised to see more goslings.
At first I could only see two
then three
then four.
Finally, five little fuzzy yellow heads
cleared in my camera lens ~
all lined up between mom and dad,
or was it dad and mom.
No matter,
the goslings, obviously protected by their parents,
had strict instruction to stay in line.
Two pair of black watchful eyes
were kept on the human (that would be me) and the dog (Cleo)
on the gentle, grassy flowered hill.
“Our brightest blazes of gladness are
commonly kindled by unexpected sparks.”
- Samuel Johnson, The Idler; Poems