Future Panic
“Hope for the future! Hope for the future!! Are you kidding me? Have you even listened to the news even once this last six months? We’re headed for a major war. None of this sending our troops overseas. We’re going to need them here on our own soil!”
“Have you no faith. You teenagers are always so pessimistic. Never seeing that you have oh, I don’t know …….university to go to next year. And then there’s your sister wedding in the spring. I could go on, but I think you just might get it. Both of those things are in the future.”
“But mom, I’m talking about the future future. Not next year. I’ll just go to university for the parties ‘cause it won’t make a difference if I pass or fail. But I sure could have fun and hook up with some really sweet girls.”
“Well, while you’re having so much fun don’t forget about your grandmother’s 75th birthday the year after you start university. She’d be so disappointed if you were off partying. Now, here take the keys and make sure you drive carefully. You don’t want to mess up your future - or today. Love you, honey.”
“Love you more, mom. See you after school - in the future!”
Garvin gave his mom a hug, picked up his backpack and went to his very last high school class.
“Life’s under no obligation to give us what we expect.”
~ Margaret Mitchell