
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Where is the Humour in That?

World news numbs the mind
Bombs set to kill; toxic spills of all kinds

Where is the humour in that?

To walk down a street where homeless folks gather,
the dirt and the grime of it, not just a wee spatter.

Where is the humour in that?

Issues of politics, religion and rights
crowd pages of news like a hovering blight.

Where is the humour in that?

We’re angry, we’re mad and we’re ready to fight.
but there’s no one to punch despite all our might.

Where is the humour in that?

Humourous things don’t go on the front page
but are kept down in front while we watch the stage.

Why is humour like that?

Humour is needed in this grassroots space
so the trash of our tensions don’t end the whole race.

“Stress is the trash of modern life - we all generate it but if you 
don’t dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life.”
~ Terri Guillements

Friday, April 19, 2013

Best Laid Plans!

The ferry ride home from Vancouver today
left sooner than expected ~ Hip Hip Hooray!

So many plans that need to be done.
Errands lay fallow while I shared in some fun!

I did move my things from car into home,
texted and talked with my brother by phone.

Thoughts of humour were pushed out of my way,
No more time for fun ~ Get busy! Gangway!

Then out of the blue a suggestion to visit
One errand done, then a chat to solicit!

The errands to do are put off for right now.
I just wrapped up that one, and just said ‘ciao’

“The best laid schemes o’mice an’ men gang aft agley.”
~ Robert Burns, The Works of Robert Burns

Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Story of Laughter

My brother Lawrence and my son Jason at The Flying Pig

A very busy and rewarding day!
Same group of family and friends ~ school called Max away so he was unable to join us.

The Beginning ~ Granville Island Public Market
Eating (chocolate involved)
Trading fascinating experiences with artisans

The Middle 
My son Jason toured us through the Masterfx workshop
a behind the scenes look into
the world of visual effects

The End ~ Gastown
A bit more shopping
Sharing a delicious meal together at the The Flying Pig.

All the while
skies were grey
rain cleared the air
smiles and laughter filled any empty spaces.

Humour?  Refreshing, welcome and oh, so very good.

“With the past, I have nothing to do;
nor with the future.  I live now.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Gathering

Humour came out to supper tonight 
with family and friends at the table.
Music and laughter and Mexican food
kept our attention most ably.
Pat and Earl, gracious hosts
Larry and Dana, honoured guests.
Susan, Jason and Max raised glasses in toast
Now day’s end is here and sleep’s drawing near.
I bid all of you readers Good Night.

“Stick to the basics, hold on to your family and friends - 
they will never go out of fashion”
Niki Taylor

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mother Nature's Tricks

Mother Nature slipped into my memory today while I bent to my task in the yard.

Deep blue at the top of the sky has followed me over prairies, plains and mountains.

Warm sun on my face remembered
summer times past in different and distant homes and places.

Strumming guitar and a soft singing voice floated on stillness and awakened springtime here at home.

Good humour blossomed with each of these snapshots, little trips that made my heart glad.

Memories, like this fading camellia, will bloom again with each turn of the season.

“Memory is the diary we all carry about with us.”
~ Oscar Wilde

Monday, April 15, 2013

Surviving Disaster

In times of disaster, humour’s surely not best.
Words spoken and shared must not be in jest.

In times of great panic there’s no room to laugh.
It’s best if serious thoughts be our staff.

Be wary of anger in these sad events.
Fighting destroys needed good, solid intent.

Lightness of spirit will return when it’s time,
when fire, smoke and ashes have all turned to grime.

Gentle smiles and kind words welcomed will be, 
and as needed and comforting as the shade of a tree.

“Humor is one of the best ingredients of survival.”
~ Aung San Suu Kyi

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Discernment - A Bit of Whimsy

Writing a piece about why fear and not funny,
sounded quite boring, not even a little bit punny.

But still the question rolled ‘round in my brain.
Why do some people smile, whether sunshine or rain (or snow)?

If a growling grizzly attacks in towering rage,
fear and panic step first on the stage!

Survival’s the answer for this question just asked
but at least we can smile when the danger has past.

And of course when we’re chatting about serious stuff
a wee bit of humour softens tension enough.

So be careful that humour isn’t first off the mark.
Be clear about real danger or serious remarks.

“We need discernment in what we see and 
what we hear and what we believe.”
~ Charles R. Swindoll