Only a tomato plant - (see the little tomato?) |
This is one issue where my opinions clash with the experience of others, and with medical research and treatment, leaving my opinions in tatters. Marijuana, specifically THC and its use for medical purposes, vs marijuana, when over used or abused, is so frighteningly life altering that it has come under the fire of opinion with developing research. I have known this drug, cannabis, specifically THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) the isomer found in the plant to be used for chronic or cancer pain, for severe intractable nausea, in some cases of dementia and most interestingly in the treatment of some forms of epilepsy. I have cared for clients in withdrawal from excessive amounts of cannabis who experience extremely high levels of anxiety, bordering on psychosis; disturbed sleep and one condition labelled Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. This last syndrome is unremitting, unpredictable nausea and severe episodes of vomiting. Aside from plant chemistry, what is the brain chemistry involved in this divisive issue? And I would be remiss if I did not mention the effective use of THC in veterinary care.
Throughout my life and career, many medical issues have shifted and changed as research and experience mesh. This issue also is a thorn in the side of the police, the courts and all levels of the legal system. Given all of that is there a right and wrong? One side or the other? I know that many that have settled in one camp or the other.
As a nurse, working in addictions care, this puts me in a bit of a bind. And as an individual that has epilepsy, it creates another area of questioning and concern. Concern for the child that may have an effective treatment withheld ~ a child with uncontrolled seizures that has had unsuccessful trials of numerous other legal drugs and finally success with marijuana ~ which may be illegal. Concern for the individual that has the potential for addiction to cannabis. The vitality of the arguments and opinions in the media and at an individual level seems to be mounting with little sign of agreement or acceptance.
I have read articles from Twitter, Google and the online Time Magazine, as well as listening to an interview on CBC radio regarding the toxic nature vs medical value of marijuana. At an International Nurses Society on Addictions conference several years ago, one of our members discussed at great length the endocannabinoid system and the value of marijuana in nursing care. And I have also seen the many memes that have carried the message of marijuana as an intoxicant, sometimes with the words and face of Bob Marley or Jimmy Carter in the background. If this drug, from a plant, is used as an intoxicant, I disagree with it’s use; if it is used for medical managment of a health condition, I may have to rethink my ‘all bad’ opinions. As a nurse, I will just take care of the individual that, because of cannabis abuse, arrives at the door of detox.
“All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust,
sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others.”
~ Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt
December 30, 2023
Author's Note: THC is the psychoactive chemical found in marijuana.
CBD or cannabinoid has no psychoactive effect.