Percival's Perception
Percival had his own ideas about the way life should go.
Every time he heard Mr. Isaac, his English teacher, rave about ‘the wit and wisdom’ of Chaucer, and Mrs Sanderingham, the Home Ec teacher whining about how women’s work should be men and women’s work, he cringed.
Characters like those two teachers spoke against everything he had been taught by his dad and, for that matter, some of the other teachers!
Enthusiasm for these strange ways of looking at things was just not something he could work up.
Perhaps if he could write an editorial for the school paper about the correct ways of living, the teachers would sit up, take notice and correct the error of their ways.
Taking out his laptop, Percival sat down at his desk and wrote out his opinions in what he thought was a pretty eloquent manner.
“It is impossible to understand Chaucer, therefore his wit and wisdom are not understandable.
Operating machinery, definitely only a strong person’s task, should be done by men, who are strong, and definitely not by women as everyone knows that women are the weaker sex.”
Now that he had written it down, he grinned, puffed out his chest and pulled out the vacuum cleaner to get the rug vacuumed before his mother got home from a hard day on the tractor in the family orchard.
“There is always one moment in childhood
when the door opens and lets the future in.”
~ Graham Greene