Puttering is more like a dance. Just taking the steps that will get the many small tasks done, the only order being what is at my finger tips as the dance progresses. Puttering puts the gray, cold rain in its place ~ outside. Although I may get my work raincoat on and finish cleaning up my tiny garden. Another puttering kind of job. At day’s end, a semblance of order as been restored to my satisfaction and pleasure. Home is more than a roof over anyone’s head. As I write those words, I think of all those folk who are desperately in need of any roof. The comforts of home come later. Today’s essay on puttering, when put in perspective, underscores the blessings I have in my home. Forgetting about puttering in this light suggests that I may have taken for granted this very relaxed multitasking that really is housework. Hopefully, when I am resistant to caring for the home beneath my roof, I will remember the gift of puttering.
“Puttering is really a time to be alone, to dream,
to get in touch with yourself….To putter is to discover.”
~ Alexandra Stoddard