
Saturday, January 4, 2025

Debating the Cold

Argument is never reasonable, 

especially against the frigid ice air that stings my cheeks and nose. Anger never got me anywhere when the weather is what it is. 

My only defence, besides staying home, is layers. Layers of clothes, red woollen toque pulled low, a fuzzy multicoloured scarf wrapped 

‘round my already layered neck, and a heavy winter coat. Still not heavy enough to thwart the winter wind and temperatures. But giving in to 

argument and frustration, 

would give the weather gods 

the win in this prairie winter argument. 

Like the rest of the stalwarts, I do my shopping, 

spending time looking for just the right head of 

lettuce or another notebook while I perspire under 

my layers. Great pads of ice, whirling winds and 

cabin fever be damned. I have a life to live.

“The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.”

~ Dale Carnegie

Friday, January 3, 2025

Every Day Moments

Every day moments slip by me as easily as snow falling. Even in the midst of a 

conversation about much loved dogs or cats, the latest block buster or how to cook a 

delicious omelet. If I rely on memory to put a pin in each moment, I may be 

disappointed. Some moments 

do remain, but for how long, 

no one can say. 

‘Staying in the moment’ is curious 

because moments melt like snow 

landing on my nose. I just get up 

and wash the dishes or wade through 

the snow to the lake, talk on the phone, 

or settle in with a good book.

‘“What day is it?” asked Pooh. 

“It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.

“My favourite day,” said Pooh.’

~ A.A.Milne

Thursday, January 2, 2025

No Reason to Dance

Rita could not help herself. 

Music energized her. 

Instead of a simple walk 

across any room, 

   she glided and swished, 

      swayed and twirled.

keeping time with 

the rhythm of her life.

“Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but in the living room.”

~ Kurt Vonnegut

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Only the Heart Knows ~ REASON ~ Theme for January 01, 2025

Rita could not…..

Every day…..

Argument is never….

Suspicion pushes….

Outsized ideas……

Nerves of steel…..

“Reason is the natural order of truth; 

but imagination is the organ of meaning.”

~ C.S.Lewis

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Book Review: The Christmas Bookshop by Jenny Colgan

Carmen hated her job, her life and how her sister and mother must speak about her. Never good enough. Her sister, Sofia, lived in Edinburgh in a perfect house, with perfect children and a perfect husband. Carmen’s only friend, Idra, worked with her at a failing women’s wear store. Dounstons had been a popular store but was failing. Mrs. March, their overbearing boss, was one more bit of Carmen’s unhappiness. They lost their jobs and while Idra quickly found work, Carmen did not. Much to her parents concern, she had moved back home and had not found work. Her sister, who was pregnant and still working, needed help with one of her clients. Carmen was approached to help, which did not make her happy. Young Mr. McCredie was about to lose his bookshop. He had neglected it badly and had few customers. If it couldn’t turn around by Christmas, it would be sold. 

To Carmen’s surprise, she began to like her new situation in Edinburgh. Not everything, but in little steps she improved her attitude and the bookshop. Auntie Carmen had bonded with her nieces and nephew, siding with them against their nanny. A thorn in her side, Skylar, slim, blond, lovely and nanny to the children, insisted upon correctness at all times. 

As Christmas approached, Carmen brought life back to the bookshop. Cleaned and decorated for Christmas, the bookshop became a friendly place with a Children’s Hour. She learned more about Mr. McCredie’s past that explained why he had tucked himself away from everyone except for his books. Carmen also meets more than one attractive man, but I’ll not give anything away about that.

An easy and pleasant read, Jenny Colgan, takes you into the streets of Edinburgh, Scotland including the Ormiston Yew, over a 1000 years old, for part of Carmen’s new experience. Perfect with a cup of hot chocolate at Christmas time.

“I think he’s barely left the house he was born in his whole life. 

He likes books more than people.”

~ Jenny Colgan, The Christmas Bookshop

Title: The Christmas Bookshop

Author: Jenny Colgan

Copyright: 2021

Publisher: originally published in Great Britain by Sphere

Format: Novel

Type: Fiction

ISBN: 978-0-06-314167-4 (paperback)

ISBN: 978-0-06-314325-8 (hardcover library edition)

Monday, December 30, 2024

It's 9 o'clock

It’s 9 o’clock

The night air is cool

Christmas lights gradually wink off, 

fading toward the New Year. 

Each next day will open 

as in all New Years past.

But tomorrow, 

the last day of 2024, 

will be its own new beginning.

“With the new day comes 

new strength and new thoughts.”

~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Random Thoughts

Once more the page is 

blank, random thoughts 

drift, falling uselessly 

into the dark. Biding 

their time, perhaps 

never to return or 

maybe to blossom. 

One never knows 

about random thoughts.

“Life is about not knowing, having to change,

 taking a moment and making the best of it.”

~ Gilda Radner