Original beliefs of my family
down south, and my years
working down south have
almost been tarnished with
the raucous goings on between
here and there ~ such a quaint
couple of words to define that
big noisy country ‘down south’;
‘across the line’ another quaint phrase defined that invisible border we crossed when going to see Grandmother and Granddad.
And across my living room
I see the first piece of furniture
I bought when I moved there in 1988. It’s a comfortable reminder of
those years and a place where I seek
its comfort to rock me into solace.
I have believed in the goodness of these
families and neighbours;
even though the spelling
of a few words that drop the ‘u’
jostles my spelling sensibilities.
One brother lives and works ‘down south’;
uncles who fought in WW2, and
cousins, aunts and uncles; colleagues and friends
make up those original beliefs and memories ~
tarnished by today's uproar but only for a moment.
“Have convictions. Be friendly. Stick to your beliefs
as they stick to theirs. Work as hard as they do.”
~ Eleanor Roosevelt