
Friday, March 7, 2025

Just a Little Sprucing Up

Naivety misses the mark ~ 


Belief in humanity's good heart, 

before nodding hello 

to the wide world, 

leads us down a garden path that

‘just needs a little sprucing up’

Yet belief remains even after 

cruel blood shed and 

hate filled lies abound.

Goodness is in the souls 

of one person at a time. 

Hands reach out as a candle's flame, 

warming this darkened world.

“The world was to me a secret which I desired to divine.”

~ Mary Shelly

Thursday, March 6, 2025

'Down South'

Original beliefs of my family 

down south, and my years 

working down south have 

almost been tarnished with 

the raucous goings on between 

here and there ~ such a quaint 

couple of words to define that 

big noisy country ‘down south’; 

‘across the line’ another quaint phrase defined that invisible border we crossed when going to see Grandmother and Granddad.

And across my living room 

I see the first piece of furniture 

I bought when I moved there in 1988. It’s a comfortable reminder of 

those years and a place where I seek 

its comfort to rock me into solace. 

I have believed in the goodness of these 

families and neighbours; 

even though the spelling 

of a few words that drop the ‘u’ 

jostles my spelling sensibilities. 

One brother lives and works ‘down south’;

uncles who fought in WW2, and 

cousins, aunts and uncles; colleagues and friends 

make up those original beliefs and memories ~ 

tarnished by today's uproar but only for a moment.

“Have convictions. Be friendly. Stick to your beliefs 

as they stick to theirs. Work as hard as they do.”

~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Only Ours

Mending with silken threads

that slip and slide 

through fabric woven of 

many strong lives; 

Mending when no outsider

has been invited in to 

fill the invisible tears and 

‘fix’ what is only ours to fix.

Mending with our own 

strong voices and firm resolve

is to stand together 

against any intrusive outsider.

“There are plenty of other ways to mend a broken heart 

and doing some list full of stuff that you don’t 

want to do doesn’t have to be one of them.”

~ Anna Bell, The Bucket List to Mend a Broken Heart

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Respect means

little to me tonight ~ 

vanished with the 

flip flop of my stomach 

as I contemplate the chaos of 

our world gone mad.

I'm angry and frightened.

But respect 

will return to me ~ 

respect for my family, 

my neighbours, 

my friends, and myself ~

choosing kindness and consideration 

over money and greed.

“Show respect to all people, but grovel to none.”

~ Tecumseh

Monday, March 3, 2025

Finding a Right Way

Agreement comes 

not with 

loud, angry words 

at its close, 

but with 

compassion and humility 

for the other. 

There will be 

struggle and differences aired 

to find a right way 

but that is 

where agreement begins.

“Unless both sides win, no agreement can be permanent.”

~ Jimmy Carter, 39th U.S. President


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Through the Fog

Harmony is not magic. 

Only after the work has been done, 

can harmony be felt and enjoyed. 

Just as it does not appear magically, 

so it will disappear in the fog without

the creative work of humanity.

“It is only when I lose contact with the painting that the result is a mess.”

~ Jackson Pollock