
Monday, January 28, 2013

Shrinking Violet

Shrinking Violet

Not good enough
Not right enough
Not fast enough

Learning these lessons well
Violet shrunk into the furry leaves growing up around her.

She would never be as good as
the graceful red rose with curving luscious petals

She would never be right enough for
a beautiful bridal bouquet of creamy calla lilies.

She would never be fast enough
because she was rooted firmly in an old clay pot.

She longed to be like the sunny faced pansies 
in the garden by the walk.

Just then she felt a trickle of cool water around her feet,
and heard a gentle voice cooing kind words.

And then she thought
‘But I do like where I am, my own colours and 
even my clay pot. I am cared for where I am,
and am praised for who I am.’

Violet’s stems stood a little straighter
her already purple petals glowed more deeply
and her rooted feet spread themselves more firmly in her own clay pot.

“We have all a better guide in ourselves, 
if we would attend to it, than any other person can be.
~ Jane Austen

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