
Friday, May 24, 2013

Money Doesn't Grow on Trees

Money Doesn't Grow on Trees

“Well, Sam. I guess pa was kinda right. Money sure doesn’t grow on this here old tree anymore.”

“Yep, Bobby. It sure was good when we found it though. Do you remember how excited we were. After all those folks in the village, especially ma and pa, kept tellin’ us that money didn’t grow on trees, and then findin’ this old tree just draped in all kinds’a dollars.”

“Sure enough, Sam. And every time we harvested some, a bunch more would sprout again. Y'think we maybe took too much and killed the poor old tree. It looks to be the ony one around here.”

“We shure enough could’ve, Bobby. If we ever got back to the village, first thing, nobody’d recanize us, we bin gone so long. Then we tell ‘em some yarn about findin’ a money tree - that we kilt!  They’d sure enough send us off to the doc.”

“Sam, did we do the right thing by settin’ off on a wild chase to find somethin’ like that ol’ tree?”

I dunno, Bob. I just dunno. Shure do miss ma and pa though. And the whole village. Dancin’, music, and that purdy little librarian.”

Sam and Bobby decided not to return to the home of their youth, but regularly went over their many happy memories. Working hard, they had gathered all the money they would ever need. Over the years, the postman had taken packets of their found money back to their village. The postman was sworn to secrecy so one ever knew where it came from but it was spent wisely. Traveling salesmen came around to sell supplies to the two old men. Except for the salesman and occasional visitors, their lives continued, quiet, uneventful and peaceful.

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
Live the life you have imagined.”
~ Henry David Thoreau

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