The inside of addiction is unknown to me, but I have watched the outside of addiction very closely for many years in my nursing career. The insides of the human brain and body are altered, challenged, and in general abused. Active addiction is anything but enjoyable - there may or may not be an element of fun or ‘high’ in early stages of drug or alcohol use, and even into abuse. However, alcoholics and addicts I have cared for, or have known personally, have told me that the fun stops at some undefinable point that is different for everyone. They are backed up by the research of learned academes over many decades.
Chasing the next drink or drug, keeping a stash, anger and deceit, remorse and regret replace the fun just to ‘feel normal’. And it all leads to destruction of family ties, community ties and personal goals.
Let’s be careful about double messages.
“Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for
people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.”
~ Buddha
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