A step toward a goal
Hands and fingers pluck a rhythm for a waltz, a two step or samba. Preparation grows and unwinds. Creativity is the dance.
Hands and fingers pull forth and back between
bottles, needles and pills
sobriety beckons.
Running and chasing or jumping through hoops
Shameful behaviours and wild swinging moods
emotions and relationships scattered and strewn
Preparation for ‘a life’ grows slower than slow,
but with colour, music, breathing, and faith,
dust and clutter settles and washes away.
“It turns out that an eerie type of chaos can lurk just behind a facade
of order - and yet, deep inside the chaos lurks an even eerier type of order.”
~ Douglas R. Hofstadter, Metamagical Themas:
Questing for The Essence of Mind and Patterns
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