
Monday, September 22, 2014

Oh Happy Day!

What a day today has been
Sunflowers filled with bees in morning sun, collecting any remnants of pollen.
Fall fingernails dirty pulling 
sunflower stalks, squash vines
still green but crunchy with dried edges
potatoes and weeds dug up and piled in the alley
Sweet ripe strawberries sampled from vines still flowering
a box of squash, tiny gold beets, potatoes - late garden hangers on.

A warm summer walk through  browning grasses
dodging a few mosquitoes, lively now that hovering dragonflies are gone
rustling poplars and cattails along the trail
circling through dusty roads, past homes and overlooking the water

examining my sister’s handiwork of flowers and a dragonfly
all wired and crocheted decorating a silver chain link fence on the sidewalk on the way to the beach.

A couple of errands then
hamburgers and fries at a favourite local restaurant.
Home for a couple games of Scrabble, then a quiet evening of visiting
with another short walk in a beautiful prairie evening
Recovery of warm prairie memories with my sister Kate

“Happiness is the satisfaction you feel. There’s delight, 
joy, excitement and pleasant surprise.”
~ Dee Dee Artner

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