
Friday, June 30, 2017


This is a followup to yesterday's couple of lines. I was surprised to see 'sadness' as a reflection of my few words. It is always sad, and annoying, when I take a sudden dive into my perception of inadequacy. That comes from old messages and beliefs that have not been valid for many, many years. It's a gremlin that rears it's ugly head at the strangest times. It is my challenge to undo those old messages, have them fade and become just innocuous whisperings. Never ignored, however. This piece of poetry is a fuller description of this recent experience, as well as confronting and changing old messages and beliefs.


My heart swirled in the midst of
animated conversation picking apart
thoughtful ideas
Grand vocabulary
poetic structure stacked haphazardly

stung by my own inadequacies
I silently retreated within
but not before 
questioning, opining, observing
stuffing all quickly in my back pocket

My heart swelled in the middle of
reflective picking apart of
thoughtful ideas
Grand vocabulary
polite company stacked haphazardly

Open to my own abilities
I stepped forward with faith in myself
but not before
discussing, opining, discerning
planting all in my soul for new growth.

“Be faithful to that which exists within yourself.”
~ André Gide

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