
Monday, December 4, 2017

Resourceful Rhonda Rules

Resourceful Rhonda Rules

esourceful Rhonda. That’s what they called her. Some said it with a snicker. ‘She could just go to any store - if she had any money.’ Some said it with envy. ‘Where does she find all the time to make all those things?’ Some said it with energy. ‘Let’s go and help Rhonda. She’s got a project going and needs some extra hands.’

Rhonda, however, didn’t listen to the hurtful words. She felt sorry for folks that couldn’t see the value in everything on the earth unless it was in a store. Walking the beach and finding lovely stones, beautiful driftwood was a joy to Resourceful Rhonda. Each thing she saw or heard stirred her creative soul. In parks, fields and on the beach she saw food for man and beast. She took them all as nature’s stores. At home she liked to go through her cupboards and closets to find treasures she had tucked away, or just a ball of yarn she had forgotten about. Painting a new picture with found paints, creating a new garment from forgotten yarn, or just playing as any of us did as children. Seeing her home, not just as a collection of furniture, but her ultimate resource. The beginning of all her own projects and the projects of others. The souls of her family, her friends and all those that passed through her life had given her resources beyond measure with memory whispers and love.

“Now is no time to think of what you do not have. 
Think of what you can do with what there is.”
~ Ernest Hemingway

Author's note: Edited February 23, 2024

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