Being an urban deer is not the easiest thing. Having a delicious

brunch in this lovely new grass in this particular shady spot set me up for any passersby with their click click whirrs. Cars whizzing by at least didn’t stop. They’re just noisy, but I’m used to their rumble and grumble. As long as I don’t hear them screeching. Always suggests I’m in a really bad place. I thought if I just kept on eating, the two humans that stopped and crept toward me would get bored and move away. But, oh no. I should have known better. My mother warned me. One human on the hard walking side and another sneaking up through the grass just before the trees. They probably didn’t think I was paying attention. They seem pretty harmless so I’ll just go back to this really, really quality grass. They can keep walking or not. I’m hungry.
“Circumstances may cause interruptions and delays,
but never lose sight of your goal.”
~ Mario Andretti
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