
Thursday, July 2, 2020

Chapter One, Episode 100 - The Set Up - Situationally Theirs

Review, Revision, Edit and Update
There was little word crafting to write for this post. Merely, some added detail in a few sentences. 

To my readers:  I am under no illusions that these little posts are anything like great - or even moderate - literature. At the same time, this has become one of the longest, continuing writing exercises I've ever done. To create and recreate with words is fascinating to me and I thank you all for bearing with me.

The Set Up

Dez and Emmie enjoyed their Canada Day ice cream. Dez had a double scoop of Tiger Stripes - orange and licorice. Emmie chose Vanilla Bean chocolate dip - also double scoop. Between catching softening delicious cold bites of their ice cream all they could talk about was who they saw at the cottage. Why were they there? What was going on? It was unusual to see Samuel outside the garden or toolshed. And Cook? She was supposed to be taking the day off. Had they missed something? Emmie did try to keep abreast of all the comings and goings of her staff without being intrusive. Obviously, something else was going on. If they had been party to the private lives of James Edward Digby, butler for the Beaufort Estate and Martha Haverstock, housekeeper for said Estate, one or both of the women may have heard whispers in the kitchen or on the telephone. It was not to be. The sisters, Desperanza Eliot and Emelina Beaufort, would just have to wait.


They needed their privacy. With all the restrictions, even though many had been eased, it was difficult. One evening, while they were in the kitchen at the cottage, Martha was putting away their new dishes. As she was stepping away from the cupboard, she glanced out into the back yard. “James. Here is our privacy.”

“What do you mean, dear? Where do you want these kitchen towels? And I have our cutlery to put away as well?” James had been coming back and forth from his car with their latest household treasures. “Our privacy? Of course our little cottage is private, dear.” From behind, he wrapped his arms around Martha and kissed her hair. Martha snuggled into his embrace and wrapped her arms around his. They swayed to a waltz that only they could hear. James hummed. Martha spoke softly “Of course it is, silly, but that’s not what I meant.” 

“Well then, what did you mean?” James took a deep breath of Martha’s hair, put his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face him. Martha put her hands on James' cheeks. “I mean: this back yard is private and we can have our rehearsal here. The only ones to know will be the people absolutely necessary for the ceremony. If we have our rehearsal under the old redwood where our ceremony is to be, anyone coming onto the Estate will be gawking and interrupting us. We could make an evening of it here, just the seven of us. Have just some snacks and champagne….you know a sort of light rehearsal supper.”

“Is all that really necessary, Martha? Why do we need to practice what is to happen when we already know?” James looked quite perplexed. “Darling James, you’ve never been married and you men never see the importance of these little details. It’s like………a preview. A practice without all the nervousness of having an audience.” Martha had had to explain this to more than one man about to get married. Her first husband, her son-in-law and several nephews. She really just wanted a little private party with their closest friends and the pastor. “And, James, I found a pastor for us. I’ll just ask him to come out here. We won’t have to have a Zooming ceremony.”

“Whatever you say, sweet Martha. When do you want to have our rehearsal?” Once James had addressed his troublesome feelings, he was discovering the joys and warmth of romance.

“We’ve already sent out the invitations. As a matter of fact they are probably being opened right now, so we must be quick. How about July 1st. Our very own Canada Day celebrations.” Martha stepped away from James, already making her lists. She had to talk with Elizabeth and Joanie….would Joanie be able to get a babysitter?………Giles and Samuel…. .;….she would leave them to James ……… she’d better do that herself…..and the pastor. What was Joey’s last name?  Tucker. Yes Reverend Tucker. She would call him and let him know the day and time and make certain he could be there. Elizabeth would have to take the day off. Samuel took…………

By the time she had her list all in her head she was at the car, leaving James standing in the kitchen wondering just what had happened. Martha was calling him “James, are you coming? I’ve got lots of phone calls to make and I want you to call Giles and talk with Samuel.” With his usual efficiency of movement, James slid behind the wheel of the car turning the key in the ignition. Martha continued “I was going to contact them both myself, but you need to be part of this. Oh, James, my very dear man, I am so excited and so very happy."

“Never marry a person who is not a friend of your excitement.”
~ Nathaniel Branden, The Psychology of Romantic Love

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