Review, Revision, Edit and Update
My attention, for this Episode, has been on the frequency of my use of certain pronouns or the characters' names (he/she/Emelina/Jeremy). Old school days lessons have had to be abandoned and replaced more with creative word crafting in the hope that the flow of the episode has been improved, while maintaining the intent to show this budding relationship.
Additions and/or deletions for some punctuation has also been part of this exercise.
Where You Are
“Good morning, Jeremy. Are you awake?” Emelina’s cheerful voice rang into Jeremy’s bedroom. Jeremy stood up and pulled his robe around him quickly. “Emmie? What are you doing here? Where did you even get a key? I’m supposed to be isolating, remember?”
Emelina laughed behind her blue non-surgical mask. “It's me. Don’t you remember? We planned this, and I’m not staying - just delivering this morning.” Jeremy, still confused but now awake heard her say “Stay over there. You’re not awake yet. This morning’s pick up is from The Bean Roaster just down the road from here. Large coffee, no cream, no sugar and a double bacon and egger with fries.” Looking a little less confused, he edged toward the kitchen bar where his breakfast was set up. “I’m sorry that I’m a bit late, Jeremy, but the line-ups for take out breakfast were really long.”
“Emmie, you are an angel. Do I have to wait til you’re gone to start eating? I do remember now. Two weeks was too long to wait but it’s necessary to make sure neither of us gets sick. I’d hate to carry all this virus stuff to you and the rest at the Estate. I took a big risk going to the wedding but with our masks and distancing we were lucky.” Emmie waggled her finger at his question about when he could "No you can't start eating. Jeremy pulled a sad face. “OK, I’ll wait ’til you’re gone. You are absolutely sweet to do this.”
Emelina Beaufort and Dr. Jeremy Crawford, old friends whose spouses had both passed away. Michael Beaufort and Dr. Crawford were best friends long before either of them were married. Michael passed away five years earlier leaving Emelina in deep grief. Elaine Crawford, Jeremy’s childhood sweetheart passed away just one year after Michael. The four of them had spent a lot of time together. Vacationing, going out for evenings of dinner and dancing, or just sharing their homes with each other. On their own they drifted away without even thinking about it. Jeremy had come out to the Estate one afternoon not long before James, the butler and Martha, the housekeeper had married. He stayed the night and relaxed. In the short time he had been there, they both realized they would like to renew their friendship but had done little about it. No one at the estate knew, that in the romantic atmosphere of the charming wedding, Jeremy and Emelina texted each other like teenagers passing notes in school. Exchanging phone numbers, they began calling each other. It started out slowly, but before long, it had become a daily event. Because Jeremy worked long hours and changing shifts, Dr. Crawford would text Emelina with the time that he would call her.
Emmie and Jeremy kept up this routine for the whole two weeks of his self isolation. Sometimes, Emmie would get Jeremy his groceries. He didn’t need much - bread, butter and peanut butter for toast. Wangling a jar of Cook’s blackberry jelly from the Estate kitchen really was a treasure - no pouting needed. Many evenings, Emmie would pick up take out at a Thai restaurant or their favourite fried chicken place, always with all the trimmings. Emmie would set Jeremy’s meal at his door, take hers to the comfortable easy chairs in the alcove 10 feet from his door. She texted him, he opened his door wide and pulled up a chair. The two almost 50 year old teenagers, gave each other an ‘air high five’ and had supper together. Not especially romantic but fun.
In the two weeks of distancing that Jeremy’s self isolation brought them, they renewed their old acquaintance and deepened their friendship. They talked and talked, laughed and cried. Jeremy talked about his work, patients that had gotten well and some that hadn’t. Emelina listened. Emelina talked about the estate, her employees that had become friends, and the heaviness she felt as she recognized the responsibility of ownership. Jeremy listened. They talked about books, music, the art world, cars and politics. Politics, they tried to avoid but it seemed to weave it’s way through just about everything. One or the other them changed the subject quickly. As the fourteen days passed, their phone calls lasted longer and longer. They made plans for their week together. On their supper evenings, it became more difficult to say goodnight. Jeremy would watch Emelina walk to the elevator. He went to his window, watching her while she went to her car and drive away. Alone, tears dripped down his face. Alone in her car, Emelina wiped tears away, so she could see to drive.
“I exist in two places, here and where you are.”
~ Margaret Atwood
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