Review, Revision, Edit and Update
Two areas of writing, character development and the relationship between the characters, are part of the puzzle of writing stories. My experience with this has been in the many episodes of Situationally Theirs. In my library of writing books and searching the web, there are many tips for character development. Dialogue, important according to the information found, also aids me in visualizing the character and the setting. The next is showing relationships. There are three characters in the first part of this episode - Cook, her employer Emelina, and Emelina's friend, Dr. Crawford. The experience they share is casual, friendly and respectful. When there is only one character, Randal Matthews, Social Worker, in the second part, the relationship is with the setting. Still lots more to learn for this writer. (There were typographical errors to be corrected, and then only a few.) A pleasant read.
Emmie heard the quiet downstairs being disturbed. She opened her eyes just enough to see the time: 0730. That must be Cook. Should I let him sleep a little more. As quietly as possible, Emmie slipped out of bed, covering her cold skin with her housecoat. “Emmie. Where are you going? It’s not time to get up yet.” Emmie slid back under the covers, housecoat still on. “Cook’s here, Jeremy. We should start…..” “Start what, Em. I’m still too sleepy, but you could try to wake me up.” ….. “Jeremy Crawford, behave yourself. I’m going to shower. If you want to come with me you can, if you want to stay in bed being lazy that’s your choice.” Emelina got out of bed despite his groaning pleas, and walked across the hall for her shower.
At the stove, getting a good breakfast started for the two lovebirds, Cook had her back to the stairway. She heard them come down the stairs, whispering like a pair of conspirators making a plan. Cook smirked and stifled a chuckle. A little too brightly and in unison, Emmie and Jeremy called out “Good morning, Cook!” Emelina whispered “I thought I was supposed to say good morning.” Jeremy whispered back “No, I was the one. Shh. Cook’s turning around.”
“Well, good morning you two. Did you sleep well?’ Without waiting for an answer, Cook gestured towards the coffee machine. “Coffee’s ready and as soon as I set the table, I’ll serve up your breakfast.” As she reached up in the cupboard for two plates, her smile never leaving her face, she added “You’re both looking so very rested.” Jeremy decided to break the rapidly thawing ice “Cook, you darling girl, you know perfectly well why we look so very rested.” Cook feigned innocence. “Do I now? I’m just the cook here and only just now saw the two of you. There are three bedrooms up there and a nice comfortable sofa in the living room. I certainly don’t get any messages from our little ghost girl Sarah.”
Emelina listened to the exchange with amusement. “Jeremy, leave Cook alone. If you’re not careful, you’ll not get any breakfast and Cook will usher you out of the house before you know it. I’m going to have my breakfast. Cook, get your coffee and toast and sit down with us.”
Several days before at the hospital:
There is a Social Work department in every city hospital, and not always staffed very well, considering that only small compliment of Social Workers took care of the entire hospital. All the societal living problems that patients brought with them landed on their desks. Mrs. Carrie Tyler was one of them that Randall Matthews had dealt with since the day after the patient’s admission. Randall, relatively new to the hospital and newly graduated with a B.S.W., liked order. As educated as he was, he was not prepared for the puzzle of Mrs. Tyler’s life that would consume his morning.
Except for her date of birth, her name, and her most recent address, she had little paper work with her. Initially the physician and nurses hadn’t expected her to live, however her condition had slowly improved. One of the physicians - Randall had to look at his notes - ‘Dr. Jeremy Crawford’ - had left him a message to see her about ‘her situation.’ What an odd message. ‘her situation?’ Randall Matthews called the nurses station. He didn’t get much more information as the unit clerk didn’t have the it or couldn’t give it out. The nurses were all too occupied with their patients to take his call. So this is what being a Social Worker is all about. Phone calls and literal leg work to track down information.
Randall looked at his watch - it was 8 a.m.. Talking to an empty office, aloud he outlined his morning “I have a meeting with all the clinical staff at 11. I should have time to see all the patients on the Covid19 floor and review their charts.” Randall was mistaken. He spent most of the next three hours, reading Mrs. Tyler’s chart (not much there except medical info), reviewing the adoption papers which were copies of the originals from about 30 years ago, and he almost missed an early entry in the nurses’ notes - something about a photograph with a name on the back. He approached the only nurse in the nurses station and asked if she knew what that meant. “Oh, that’s my note. I was working last night when she came in. She got so agitated about that photograph we finally pinned it to her pillow where she could reach up and touch it. It wasn’t the most sanitary thing…. but then you don’t need to know all that. She’s resting quietly right now, but if she’s awake she may want to meet you. The other thing she said to me was that she didn’t have anybody. Dr. Crawford called somebody and a couple of women came up for a while. He talked to them and then they left. I don’t know who they were. He said something about they may be family?” Miss Green looked up…..”Excuse me, Randall, I’m getting off soon. My replacement is here and I need to give her report.”
For Randall, that was just the beginning. He came to see Mrs.Tyler everyday and was able to speak with Dr. Crawford once. He didn’t get much more information except that the person he had called on the night of her admission was a possible relative. He learned on one of his visits to Mrs. Tyler that she was corresponding with this person that Dr. Crawford mentioned. She improved slowly and was no longer having to go to Intensive Care. Her attending doctor was making noises that discharge was imminent. Randall needed to get started on a discharge plan that did not involve discharging her to no one and no where. Possibly a Care Home would have a bed for her for a longer convalescence. He still needed to talk to her about the adoption papers and the photograph. After another busy day with sorting out life stories and listening to them all, Randall got back to his office when it was time to end his shift. There was a message on his desk phone. Dr. Crawford wanted to meet with him about Mrs. Tyler. I’ll call him back in the morning. I just want this day to end.
“A mind that is stretched by a new experience
can never go back to its old dimensions.”
~ Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
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