
Thursday, September 10, 2020

Hitting Pause

For each of 165 days, I have written short episodes about two fictional characters - Desperanza Eliot and her sister Emelina Beaufort in Situationally Theirs. I unwittingly began this little saga on March 25th, about two weeks after restrictions were recommended to decrease the transmissibility of the Covid19 virus. Regretfully and yet joyfully, I am hitting pause on new episodes of Situationally Theirs throughout the upcoming weekend. All my characters have gathered 'round me in the alone times and I have been glad to share them with all with my readers. However, maintaining a cohesive story line for these wonderful characters is becoming very awkward for them and for me. This funny little community will be rethinking how they wish to continue, but I will continue with morning Revisions of earlier Episodes to further support their stories.

Since returning to Regina, I have been spending wonderful time with family and friends, while maintaining my writing practice, and establishing myself in my home community. Writing, for me, has been a life saver in this era of pandemic restrictions. The act of writing has kept me focused on my life by traveling into the life of my characters. My readers have supported my writing no matter how awkward it has been. I absolutely love being in regular contact with family and friends. Often, I spend about six to eight hours a day writing posts, more time reading about writing, and I wish to resume writing a monthly book review. All this while recreating my life here in Regina.

My first book review, tomorrow evening’s post, is The Storyteller's Secret by Sejal Bedani - a beautiful, tragic story of love, growth and loss that crosses family traditions, cultural norms, and societies rules.

“It’s not so much knowing when to speak…..but when to pause.”
~ Jack Benny

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