Review, Revision, Edit and Update
There was a section of this episode I almost deleted. The fashion statement. It was far too much like reading a column in a fashion magazine. I did want to keep it, but altered it to be “read as part of Martha's observations. Not certain it is still necessary - especially the part about the Italian leather shoes.
For this episode, I considered the issues of Premise and Theme of a story. Learning to write is definitely not a piece if cake. Once more, Nancy Lamb, The Art and Craft of Storytelling, has clarified it for me: Premise: “....think of premise as the foundation of your plot, the essential truth you want to convey.” Theme: “.....the narrative concept behind your story - the idea explored within the context of what your book is about.” In my own defence, this saga Situationally Their's did not start out as anything more than one blog post at a time. No intention for it to evolve into anything greater. However, it has made me curious, watching the story centre around two sisters and their support of each other (?Premise) and the experiences surrounding them (Theme?). There have been suggestions that this saga has book potential and have taken it to heart. Wow! A bigger than huge writing exercise. Thank you readers for encouraging me on.
Talking Business
Martha was indignant. She was not in the habit of making panicked phone calls unless it was necessary. “What on earth are you talking about? She’s been up there for days, only calling down for tea, sometimes some toast. Treating Brigitte like she was her maid again.” Cook just chuckled and shook her head, she knew Martha had more to say. “I’ve given Brigitte the day off. She has been run off her feet and if Miss Emelina fires me because of it, well then I guess she does.” Martha did feel a bit hurt about the cavalier way that Miss Dez was treating this very serious situation. Then she heard someone on the stairs. Turning her gaze towards the sound, she saw her employer. She was.....“Well, aren't you all turned out!” Her employer, dressed in black jeans and a black tunic splashed with red poppies had her hair tied back with a red silk scarf with barely had any jewelry on. Her comfortable low heeled shoes were red Italian leather, the shoes she had recently purchased and shown off to everyone. Martha could have written a fashion column. Emelina smiled at her worried Housekeeper. “That was a wise decision, Martha. I was running Brigitte off of her feet. When the three of you are finished staring at me, please join me for tea or coffee. Cook, are there any goodies to go with it? I’m really hungry, but it’s too early for a good meal of meat and potatoes.” She took cups out of the cupboard for herself and Dez, and before closing the cupboard doors, checked to be certain that Martha and Cook had cups. From the silver thermal pot, she poured coffee in each cup or mug. “Now, let’s all sit down and just have a good visit. I haven’t heard anything but my own mind train for the last week. Martha, what’s been happening around here? Cook, what’s on the menu for supper tonight? Dez, are you here for supper or for a sleep over?”
A plate of warmed cinnamon buns, butter, knives and plates materialized on the table. The four women sat down with each other. Knowing that her staff had truly been frightened for her, Emelina answered all of their questions, while Dez watched, listened and thought This is another beginning for Em.
“Set fire to the broken pieces; start anew.”
~ Lauren DeStefano, Sever
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