Epilepsy ripples through humanity. A pretty basic statement. How then do I fit that into my own story? I am but one of many with epilepsy and our stories are all different. Not only the details but the type of epilepsy we each own. The extent of how our daily lives are affected. The only commonality we each have is that epilepsy is an electrical brain disorder with many causes, and some diagnoses have no known cause. My epilepsy is the ‘no known cause’ kind. My story then is an answer to the question: What besides medication can I do to support my control of some of my life? Simple: Stress management, take my medications as ordered, realize and dampen triggers to my seizures and regular sleep hygiene. My story with epilepsy management is much greater than the disorder or just taking medications. Some people's stories may be similar to my own. The stories of others are much more detailed and frightening than mine. Unmanageable and atypical seizures, multiple medications, inability for regular or meaningful employment, surgical treatments, drastic mood changes, suicidal ideation, marital problems and learning disabilities. Too much drama? Scary? For those that live with it, it definitely is.
Today - March 26th, is an annual day for Epilepsy Awareness. Each province and state has an Epilepsy Organization. The Canadian Epilepsy Alliance is Canada’s national organization for epilepsy information.
“The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it.”
~ George C. Scott
Resource: https://www.canadianepilepsyalliance.org
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