Yesterday, wasn’t all tea and goodies for me. After leaving Government House, I joined a writing companion at Tuppenny Coffee and Books (@tuppenycoffee) at 1433 Hamilton St. This great little coffee shop is the sister location to The Penny University Book Store on 13th Ave here in Regina. Different members of the Queen City Write Club had been at Tuppenny Coffee since 10am, spelling each other off. The event? A Write In sponsored by Tuppenny Coffee. We were there to answer questions about our little group, and to do what we do on Sunday afternoons ~ work on our various writing projects. We chatted with people interested in our group, in writing or just curious. We provided great fridge magnets that are pictured in this blog post as we visited.
That takes me up to today. The Queen City Write Club met at our usual time of 1 pm on Sundays at the Penny University Book Store on 13th Ave. We were all focussed on shaping and putting together our writing projects. A writer’s life is pretty solitary when it is just pen to page. Doing the work of corralling all those words is so much better when in the company of other like minded writers. It is too easy to be distracted by food, laundry, going outside……anything. Heads down, fingers tapping away, pauses while stray thoughts are reined in, it can get pretty silent. Doesn’t stop any of us from asking a question of the others - another benefit of working in a group setting.
It’s been a busy weekend. Ice cream on the way home was my reward!
“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.”
~ Ernest Hemingway
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