
Thursday, February 20, 2025

Uncertain Belief

When I was a part of 

the vast army of nurses, 

an employee, 

practicing my craft, 

I had a certain belief. 

A belief in, 

not only nursing and nurses, 

but the frailties of the human body. The ways of walking, talking, coping with the pain and strife of whatever condition was within them. 

Now, as a woman alone, 

my belief was confused 

and many days still is. 

Confused about my place in all this emptiness; 

where do I step; 

am I enough; 

are there rules I should follow. 

Until, step by step, I learned 

to adapt lessons from the past, 

to find the steps, 

the guideposts, 

the anchors for this retired life

and to believe in myself.

“Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.”

~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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