
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Reflections on Advancements in Nursing

I’m flying today home today.
Soon I rejoin the nurses 
at the medical detox where I work.
Nursing tools of the trade
have changed as technology has advanced through the years.
In a three year diploma program in 1965 nursing students learned how to 
take vital signs using sound and touch
give injections
do a bed bath
make a linseed poultice
calculate dietary requirements
provide health teaching for patients
set up traction
make a bed with hospital corners
take out stitches
change dressings
feed a patient unable to feed themselves
hang an intravenous
wrap a tensor bandage
teach deep breathing exercises pre-operatively
Tympanic ear thermometers replace glass mercury thermometers
Assessing Blood Pressure manually vs digitally
Linseed poultices, long a thing of the past, are now microwave hot/cold gel packs - but seldom used
Dietitians in a distant office calculate dietary requirements
Smooth cotton sheets with folded hospital corners are jersey sheets with pocket corners.
A paper world of documentation is being replaced by the electronic world of computers.
On the surface of patient care,
all of these tools are used to dip beneath
to the soul bound by 
unrest and illness.

Easing distress with care, kindness and respect.
Care for those who cannot care for themselves.

"I feel a need for no other faith 
than my faith in human beings.  
~ Pearl S. Buck

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