
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Moving with the Weather - Chapter Three

There was a time when, 
powerful animal species
all the fish and fowl of the sea and air
vied with us for our very survival.

With no defenses save our own wits
and truly at a grassroots level
whether cold and wet
or arid and hot
we discovered
hunted and gathered food
planting from seeds offered us from thriving plants.
sheltering where we could.

We have continued to discover new
sources of warmth and heat
developing more conveniences
building more advanced shelters
refining what we think would make a better life
for ourselves
our families and
the next generations
for tomorrow.

But for today
how does what we do in
the here and now
connect us to the planet that
so generously provides us with raw material for all of these things?

On a misty cool morning
am I grateful or am I annoyed
about possible discomfort or
a change of plans

I’ll confess
I am often at first annoyed.
Where is sunshine and dry air
so I can have a pretty easy time of it
I won’t have to get
wet and muddy 
or feel cold

On this cool, moist morning
my son and I went to a wonderful Farmer’s Market
where all manner of 
bedding plants (herbs, vegetables, flowers)
organically grown chicken, eggs, and beef
hand made garments and baked goods 
grown by local farmers and brought to the city
were available for all to purchase

Humankind chips and chops away at Mother Earth.
However, this morning at this Farmer's Market, 
I saw and felt something different ~ at a grassroots level.
There are many individuals of humankind who
respect and work with our planet's generosity.

Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it. Whatever 
we do to the we, we do to ourselves.  All 
things are bound together. All things connect.”
 - Chief Seattle, 1854

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