
Monday, August 6, 2012

Wondering why......

I’ve been wondering about 
why I love to pull weeds.
why I love to clear ground.
Could it be my farmer genes?
Or could it be an old childhood memory,
one of the many memories buried deep inside of me?

I was a small child 
when Grandpa Garratt had 
a wonderful garden of 
flowers and vegetables
at the front and at the back
of the house.

Did I help him pull weeds?
Did he show me 
which was a weed and 
what was a flower?
Did he tell me 
the names of the little bugs 
curling and crawling under 
rocks and boards?
When I saw a clod of earth with a hole in it the size of a pencil, 
did he tell me that a fat worm had slithered through?
Was it always summertime on the prairies with Grandpa?

Memories, like water on garden soil,
dampen our lives and 
soak into our beings
only to reappear in 
some other way
some other time.

Going deep into my life
Am I trying to dig the memories out?

"Wondering’s healthy.  Broadens the mind. Opens 
you up to all sorts of stray thoughts and possibilities."
~ Charles de Lint

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