it’s a job but don’t go there.
Advice sometimes heard from the tired.
The job?
Care of broken bodies and spirits requiring mending.
When medicine has been prescribed or surgery has been done,
it is time for healing.
Nursing time.
A 24/7 time.
When form and function are misplaced or lost, nurses step in, to support and encourage healing, be it long or short, by
hand holding,
problem solving
helping the sick to understand their sickness - mental or physical
educating about lifelong health conditions
turning those that cannot turn themselves
bathing those that cannot bath themselves
changing dressings and cleaning wounds ~ large or small
care of beeping and burping life supporting machines
and yes, sometimes unsavoury tasks related to bodily function
And in all of this,
assessing and monitoring an individual’s progression
to wellness and sometimes to the end of a life - whether well lived or not.
Finally, documenting the changes in whatever progression there is,
for the next nurse to see and understand.
Why do we do these things?
Is it just a job?
What holds us together besides
an employer,
an association
a union.
What are the reasons?
“As a nurse, we have the opportunity to heal the heart, mind,
soul and body of our patients, their families and ourselves. They may
forget your name but they will never forget how you made them feel.”
~ Maya Angelou
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