
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Where is the Humour in That?

World news numbs the mind
Bombs set to kill; toxic spills of all kinds

Where is the humour in that?

To walk down a street where homeless folks gather,
the dirt and the grime of it, not just a wee spatter.

Where is the humour in that?

Issues of politics, religion and rights
crowd pages of news like a hovering blight.

Where is the humour in that?

We’re angry, we’re mad and we’re ready to fight.
but there’s no one to punch despite all our might.

Where is the humour in that?

Humourous things don’t go on the front page
but are kept down in front while we watch the stage.

Why is humour like that?

Humour is needed in this grassroots space
so the trash of our tensions don’t end the whole race.

“Stress is the trash of modern life - we all generate it but if you 
don’t dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life.”
~ Terri Guillements

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