No - not blank but filled with drifts of thoughts (kind of like my new computer)
Full sentences are in short supply
Choice at work ~ get the prescribed flu shot or wear a mask until flu season is over.
My stubborn streak says “I’ll do what I want.”
My fear says ~ ‘if I get a flu shot I’ll still get sick again this year, but if I don’t will I get the flu because I didn’t get the flu shot?’
Two years in a row the coincidence (or not) of being ill after the flu shot frightens me.
But what about others
what if you become a carrier...
which direction do I go?!
Could I make a compromise?
Could I find a way to make my own choice fit with choices presented to me?
What is my responsibility to my clients, my colleagues and to my community?
Answers arrived slowly.......
Are they consistent with researched, scientific evidence? I have no idea.
My own choice will work with my fears, that stubborn kid that lives inside of me and, I believe is cognizant of others.
“To say you have no choice is to relieve yourself of responsibility.”
~ Patrick Ness, Monsters of Men
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